Conference In search of an API for scalable file systems: Under the table or above it? 2020 • Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, HotCloud 2009 Patil S, Gibson GA, Ganger GR, Lopez J, Polte M, Tantisiroj W, Xiao L
Journal Article Mochi: Composing Data Services for High-Performance Computing Environments 2020 • Journal of Computer Science and Technology • 35(1):121-144 Ross RB, Amvrosiadis G, Carns P, Cranor CD, Dorier M, Harms K, Ganger G, Gibson G, Gutierrez SK, Latham R, Robey B, Robinson D, Settlemyer B, Shipman G, Snyder S, Soumagne J, Zheng Q
Conference More IOPS for less: Exploiting burstable storage in public clouds 2020 • HotCloud 2020 - 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, co-located with USENIX ATC 2020 Park H, Ganger GR, Amvrosiadis G
Conference Pacemaker: Avoiding heart attacks in storage clusters with disk-adaptive redundancy 2020 • Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2020 • 369-385 Kadekodi S, Maturana F, Subramanya SJ, Yang J, Rashmi KV, Ganger GR
Preprint Pollux: Co-adaptive Cluster Scheduling for Goodput-Optimized Deep Learning 2020 Qiao A, Choe SK, Subramanya SJ, Neiswanger W, Ho Q, Zhang H, Ganger GR, Xing EP
Journal Article Streaming Data Reorganization at Scale with DeltaFS Indexed Massive Directories 2020 • ACM Transactions on Storage • 16(4): Zheng Q, Cranor CD, Jain A, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Amvrosiadis G, Settlemyer BW, Grider G
Conference The <i>CacheLib</i> Caching Engine: Design and Experiences at Scale 2020 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH USENIX SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION (OSDI '20) • 769-786 Berg B, Berger DS, McAllister S, Grosof I, Gunasekar S, Lu J, Uhlar M, Carrig J, Beckmann N, Harchol-Balter M, Ganger GR
Journal Article The Case for Custom Storage Backends in Distributed Storage Systems 2020 • ACM Transactions on Storage • 16(2): Aghayev A, Weil S, Kuchnik M, Nelson M, Ganger GR, Amvrosiadis G
Conference TVARAK: Software-Managed Hardware Offload for Redundancy in Direct-Access NVM Storage 2020 • Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture • 624-637 Kateja R, Beckmann N, Ganger GR
Conference Unearthing inter-job dependencies for better cluster scheduling 2020 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH USENIX SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION (OSDI '20) • 1205-1223 Chung A, Krishnan S, Karanasos K, Curino C, Ganger GR
Preprint Vilamb: Low Overhead Asynchronous Redundancy for Direct Access NVM 2020 Kateja R, Pavlo A, Ganger GR
Conference A transparently-scalable metadata service for the URSA minor storage system 2019 • Proceedings of the 2010 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC 2010 • 173-186 Sinnamohideen S, Sambasivan RR, Hendricks J, Liu L, Ganger GR
Preprint Accelerating Deep Learning by Focusing on the Biggest Losers 2019 Jiang AH, Wong DL-K, Zhou G, Andersen DG, Dean J, Ganger GR, Joshi G, Kaminksy M, Kozuch M, Lipton ZC, Pillai P
Conference Cluster storage systems gotta have HeART: Improving storage efficiency by exploiting disk-reliability heterogeneity 2019 • Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2019 • 345-358 Kadekodi S, Rashmi KV, Ganger GR
Conference Compact Filters for Fast Online Data Partitioning 2019 • Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC • 313-324 Zheng Q, Cranor CD, Jain A, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Amvrosiadis G, Settlemyer BW, Grider G
Conference File Systems Unfit as Distributed Storage Backends: Lessons from 10 Years of Ceph Evolution 2019 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH ACM SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES (SOSP '19) • 353-369 Aghayev A, Weil S, Kuchnik M, Nelson M, Ganger GR, Amvrosiadis G
Conference Message from the program co-chairs 2019 • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: Proceedings Ganger G, Wilkes J
Conference Message from the program co-chairs 2019 • Proceedings of FAST 2011: 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies Ganger G, Wilkes J
Conference Message from the program co-chairs 2019 • Proceedings of FAST 2011: 9th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies Ganger G, Wilkes J
Conference Peering through the Dark: An Owl's View of Inter-job Dependencies and Jobs' Impact in Shared Clusters 2019 • Proceedings / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM-Sigmod International Conference on Management of Data • 1889-1892 Chung A, Curino C, Krishnan S, Karanasos K, Garefalakis P, Ganger GR
Conference PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training 2019 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH ACM SYMPOSIUM ON OPERATING SYSTEMS PRINCIPLES (SOSP '19) • 1-15 Narayanan D, Harlap A, Phanishayee A, Seshadri V, Devanur NR, Ganger GR, Gibbons PB, Zaharia M
Preprint Tvarak: Software-managed hardware offload for DAX NVM storage redundancy 2019 Kateja R, Beckmann N, Ganger GR
Conference 3Sigma: Distribution-based cluster scheduling for runtime uncertainty 2018 • EUROSYS '18: PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH EUROSYS CONFERENCE Park JW, Tumanov A, Jiang A, Kozuch MA, Ganger GR