Publications by Gregory Ganger


D-SPTF: Decentralized request distribution in brick-based storage systems

2004 • ACM Sigplan Notices • 37-47
Lumb CR, Golding R, Ganger GR


Diamond: A storage architecture for early discard in interactive search

2004 • Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2004
Huston L, Sukthankar R, Wickremesinghe R, Satyanarayanan M, Ganger GR, Riedel E, Ailamaki A


Diamond: A storage architecture for early discard in interactive search

2004 • Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2004
Huston L, Sukthankar R, Wickremesinghe R, Satyanarayanan M, Ganger GR, Riedel E, Ailamaki A


MEMS-based storage devices and standard disk interfaces: A square peg in a round hole?

2004 • Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2004
Schlosser SW, Ganger GR


MEMS-based storage devices and standard disk interfaces: A square peg in a round hole?

2004 • Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2004
Schlosser SW, Ganger GR


MEMS-based storage devices and standard disk interfaces: A square peg in a round hole?

2004 • Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST 2004
Schlosser SW, Ganger GR


Lachesis: Robust database storage management based on device-specific performance characteristics

2003 • Proceedings - 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 2003 • 706-717
Schindler J, Ailamaki A, Ganger GR


Metadata efficiency in versioning file systems

2003 • Proceedings of FAST 2003: 2nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies • 43-58
Soules CAN, Goodson GR, Strunk JD, Ganger GR


Storage-based intrusion detection: Watching storage activity for suspicious behavior

2003 • Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Security Symposium • 137-151
Pennington AG, Strunk JD, Griffin JL, Soules CAN, Goodson GR, Ganger GR


Why can't I find my files? New methods for automating attribute assignment

2003 • Proceedings of HotOS 2003 - 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems • 115-120
Soules CAN, Ganger GR
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