Current Courses You can toggle for Graduate or Undergraduate or search by course number. Courses & Curriculum Related ResourcesSchedule of Classes | Undergraduate Curriculum Requirements | Undergraduate CatalogMSCS Handbook | Fifth Year Master's Handbook | Ph.D. Handbook | Student Resources Course Level - Any -UndergradMastersDoctoral Search 15050 Study Abroad Students who are interested in studying abroad should first contact the Office of International Education. More information on Study Abroad is available on OIE's Study Abroad page and at the CS Undergraduate Office. Click to read more... 15075 Computer Science Co-Op varies This course is meant for CS undergraduate students with a full-time internship that encompasses a summer and a contiguous semester, either Spring-Summer or Summer-Fall who wish to have this recorded on their academic transcript. Units posted for this course do not count toward any requirement for the CS undergraduate degree including free elective units. This course is not available to international students; consult with the Office for International Education for more information. Click to read more... 15090 Computer Science Practicum 3 This course is for Computer Science students who wish to have an internship experience as part of their curriculum. Students are required to write a one-page summary statement prior to registration that explains how their internship connects with their CS curriculum, specifically on how it uses material they have learned as well as prepares them for future courses. Near the end of the internship, students will be required to submit a reflection paper that describes the work they did in more detail, including lessons learned about the work experience and how they utilized their CS education to work effectively. International students should consult with the Office of International Education for appropriate paperwork and additional requirements before registration. Units earned count toward the total required units necessary for degree completion; students should speak with an academic advisor for details. This course may be taken at most 3 times for a total of 9 units maximum. Students normally register for this course for use during the summer semester. Click to read more... 15110 Principles of Computing 10 A course in fundamental computing principles for students with minimal or no computing background. Programming constructs: sequencing, selection, iteration, and recursion. Data organization: arrays and lists. Use of abstraction in computing: data representation, computer organization, computer networks, functional decomposition, and application programming interfaces. Use of computational principles in problem-solving: divide and conquer, randomness, and concurrency. Classification of computational problems based on complexity, non-computable functions, and using heuristics to find reasonable solutions to complex problems. Social, ethical and legal issues associated with the development of new computational artifacts will also be discussed. Click to read more... 15112 Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science 12 A technical introduction to the fundamentals of programming with an emphasis on producing clear, robust, and reasonably efficient code using top-down design, informal analysis, and effective testing and debugging. Starting from first principles, we will cover a large subset of the Python programming language, including its standard libraries and programming paradigms. We will also target numerous deployment scenarios, including standalone programs, shell scripts, and web-based applications. This course assumes no prior programming experience. Even so, it is a fast-paced and rigorous preparation for 15-122. Students seeking a more gentle introduction to computer science should consider first taking 15-110. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. (GHC Clusters are the 3 labs on on Gates floor 5, 5207, 5208, and 5210) Click to read more... 15122 Principles of Imperative Computation 12 For students with a basic understanding of programming (variables, expressions, loops, arrays, functions). Teaches imperative programming and methods for ensuring the correctness of programs. Students will learn the process and concepts needed to go from high-level descriptions of algorithms to correct imperative implementations, with specific application to basic data structures and algorithms. Much of the course will be conducted in a subset of C amenable to verification, with a transition to full C near the end. This course prepares students for 15-213 and 15-210. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. (GHC Clusters are the 3 labs on on Gates floor 5, 5207, 5208, and 5210) Click to read more... 15150 Principles of Functional Programming 12 An introduction to programming based on a "functional" model of computation. The functional model is a natural generalization of algebra in which programs are formulas that describe the output of a computation in terms of its inputs---that is, as a function. But instead of being confined to real- or complex-valued functions, the functional model extends the algebraic view to a very rich class of data types, including not only aggregates built up from other types, but also functions themselves as values. This course is an introduction to programming that is focused on the central concepts of function and type. One major theme is the interplay between inductive types, which are built up incrementally; recursive functions, which compute over inductive types by decomposition; and proof by structural induction, which is used to prove the correctness and time complexity of a recursive function. Another major theme is the role of types in structuring large programs into separate modules, and the integration of imperative programming through the introduction of data types whose values may be altered during computation. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. Click to read more... 15151 Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science 12 *CS majors only* This course is offered to incoming Computer Science freshmen and focuses on the fundamental concepts in Mathematics that are of particular interest to Computer Science such as logic, sets, induction, functions, and combinatorics. These topics are used as a context in which students learn to formalize arguments using the methods of mathematical proof. This course uses experimentation and collaboration as ways to gain better understanding of the material. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the prerequisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. Click to read more... 15155 The Computational Lens 9 What is knowable, in principle and in practice? - What does it mean to be intelligent? - Can creativity be automated? - What is the role of randomness in the universe? - How can we achieve provable guarantees of security, privacy, fairness, etc. in various settings? - What does the social network of the world look like? - Do we live in a simulation? Despite their differences, all of these questions are fundamentally about the notion of computation. And all these questions can be put under the following single umbrella: What is computation and how does it shape our understanding of life, science, technology, and society? This course is for anyone interested in these questions and more broadly, anyone interested in the algorithmic lens to tackle hard, foundational problems. Our goal will be to find reliable explanations through modeling and rigorous reasoning. We will discuss great and powerful ideas from the field of theory of computation and see how these ideas shed new light on human reasoning, laws of nature, life, technology, and society. Click to read more... 15195 Competition Programming I 5 Each year, Carnegie Mellon fields several teams for participation in the ICPC Regional Programming Contest. During many recent years, one of those teams has earned the right to represent Carnegie Mellon at the ICPC World Finals. This course is a vehicle for those who consistently and rigorously train in preparation for the contests to earn course credit for their effort and achievement. Preparation involves the study of algorithms, the practice of programming and debugging, the development of test sets, and the growth of team, communication, and problem solving skills. Neither the course grade nor the number of units earned are dependent on ranking in any contest. Students are not required to earn course credit to participate in practices or to compete in ACM-ICPC events. Students who have not yet taken 15-295 should register for 15-195; only students who have already taken 15-295 should register for 15-295 again. Click to read more... 15210 Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms 12 Teaches students about how to design, analyze, and program algorithms and data structures. The course emphasizes parallel algorithms and analysis, and how sequential algorithms can be considered a special case. The course goes into more theoretical content on algorithm analysis than 15-122 and 15-150 while still including a significant programming component and covering a variety of practical applications such as problems in data analysis, graphics, text processing, and the computational sciences. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. Click to read more... 15213 Introduction to Computer Systems 12 This course provides a programmer's view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. It enables students to become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and optimization, computer arithmetic, memory organization and management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation. NOTE FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS: This course is not open to graduate students beginning Spring 2015. Graduate students must register for 15-513 instead. Click to read more... 15251 Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science 12 This course is about how to use theoretical ideas to formulate and solve problems in computer science. It integrates mathematical material with general problem solving techniques and computer science applications. Examples are drawn from algorithms, complexity theory, game theory, probability theory, graph theory, automata theory, algebra, cryptography, and combinatorics. Assignments involve both mathematical proofs and programming. NOTE: students must achieve a C or better in order to use this course to satisfy the pre-requisite for any subsequent Computer Science course. Click to read more... 15259 Probability and Computing 9 Probability theory is indispensable in computer science today. In areas such as artificial intelligence and computer science theory, probabilistic reasoning and randomization are central. Within networks and systems, probability is used to model uncertainty and queuing latency. This course gives an introduction to probability as it is used in computer science theory and practice, drawing on applications and current research developments as motivation. The course has 3 parts: Part I is an introduction to probability, including discrete and continuous random variables, heavy tails, simulation, Laplace transforms, z-transforms, and applications of generating functions. Part II is an in-depth coverage of concentration inequalities, like the Chernoff bound and SLLN bounds, as well as their use in randomized algorithms. Part III covers Markov chains (both discrete-time and continuous-time) and stochastic processes and their application to queuing systems performance modeling. This is a fast-paced class which will cover more material than the other probability options and will cover it in greater depth. Click to read more... 15260 Statistics and Computing 3 Statistics is essential for a wide range of fields including machine learning, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, and finance. This mini course presents the fundamental concepts and methods in statistics in six lectures. The course covers key topics in statistical estimation, inference, and prediction. This course is only open to students enrolled in 15-259. Enrollment for 15-260, mini 4, starts around mid semester. Click to read more... 15281 Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving 12 This course is about the theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence. We will study modern techniques for computers to represent task-relevant information and make intelligent (i.e. satisficing or optimal) decisions towards the achievement of goals. The search and problem solving methods are applicable throughout a large range of industrial, civil, medical, financial, robotic, and information systems. We will investigate questions about AI systems such as: how to represent knowledge, how to effectively generate appropriate sequences of actions and how to search among alternatives to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. We will also explore how to deal with uncertainty in the world, how to learn from experience, and how to learn decision rules from data. We expect that by the end of the course students will have a thorough understanding of the algorithmic foundations of AI, how probability and AI are closely interrelated, and how automated agents learn. We also expect students to acquire a strong appreciation of the big-picture aspects of developing fully autonomous intelligent agents. Other lectures will introduce additional aspects of AI, including natural language processing, web-based search engines, industrial applications, autonomous robotics, and economic/game-theoretic decision making. Click to read more... 15294 Rapid Prototyping Technologies 5 This mini-course introduces students to rapid prototyping technologies with a focus on laser cutting and 3D printing. The course has three components: 1) A survey of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing technologies, the maker and open source movements, and societal impacts of these technologies; 2) An introduction to the computer science behind these technologies: CAD tools, file formats, slicing algorithms; 3) Hands-on experience with SolidWorks, laser cutting, and 3D printing, culminating in student projects (e.g. artistic creations, functional objects, replicas of famous calculating machines, etc.). Click to read more... 15295 Competition Programming and Problem Solving 5 Each year, Carnegie Mellon fields two teams for participation in the ACM-ICPC Regional Programming Contest. During many recent years, one of those teams has earned the right to represent Carnegie Mellon at the ACM-ICPC World Finals. This course is a vehicle for those who consistently and rigorously train in preparation for the contests to earn course credit for their effort and achievement. Preparation involves the study of algorithms, the practice of programming and debugging, the development of test sets, and the growth of team, communication, and problem solving skills. Neither the course grade nor the number of units earned are dependent on ranking in any contest. Students are not required to earn course credit to participate in practices or to compete in ACM-ICPC events. Click to read more... 15311 Logic and Mechanized Reasoning 9 Symbolic logic is fundamental to computer science, providing a foundation for the theory of programming languages, database theory, AI, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, interactive theorem proving, and formal verification. Formal methods based on logic complement statistical methods and machine learning by providing rules of inference and means of representation with precise semantics. These methods are central to hardware and software verification, and have also been used to solve open problems in mathematics. This course will introduce students to logic on three levels: theory, implementation, and application. It will focus specifically on applications to automated reasoning and interactive theorem proving. We will present the underlying mathematical theory, and students will develop the mathematical skills that are needed to design and reason about logical systems in a rigorous way. We will also show students how to represent logical objects in a functional programming language, Lean, and how to implement fundamental logical algorithms. We will show students how to use contemporary automated reasoning tools, including SAT solvers, SMT solvers, and first-order theorem provers to solve challenging problems. Finally, we will show students how to use Lean as an interactive theorem prover. Click to read more... 15312 Foundations of Programming Languages 12 This course discusses in depth many of the concepts underlying the design, definition, implementation, and use of modern programming languages. Formal approaches to defining the syntax and semantics are used to describe the fundamental concepts underlying programming languages. A variety of programming paradigms are covered such as imperative, functional, logic, and concurrent programming. In addition to the formal studies, experience with programming in the languages is used to illustrate how different design goals can lead to radically different languages and models of computation. Click to read more... 15314 Programming Language Semantics 12 This lecture course introduces the foundational concepts and techniques of programming language semantics. The aim is to demonstrate the utility of a scientific approach, based on mathematics and logic, with applications to program analysis, language design, and compiler correctness. We focus on the most widely applicable frameworks for semantic description: denotational, operational, and axiomatic semantics. We use semantics to analyze program behavior, guide the development of correct programs, prove correctness of a compiler, validate logics for program correctness, and derive general laws of program equivalence. We will discuss imperative and functional languages, sequential and parallel, as time permits. Click to read more... 15317 Constructive Logic 9 This multidisciplinary junior-level course is designed to provide a thorough introduction to modern constructive logic, its roots in philosophy, its numerous applications in computer science, and its mathematical properties. Some of the topics to be covered are intuitionistic logic, inductive definitions, functional programming, type theory, realizability, connections between classical and constructive logic, decidable classes. This course 15-317 is for undergraduates. Graduate students should enroll in 15-657. Click to read more... 15319 Cloud Computing 12 This course gives students an overview of Cloud Computing, which is the delivery of computing as a service over a network, whereby distributed resources are rented, rather than owned, by an end user as a utility. Students will study its enabling technologies, building blocks, and gain hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures. Cloud computing services are widely adopted by many organizations across domains. The course will introduce the cloud and cover the topics of data centers, software stack, virtualization, software defined networks and storage, cloud storage, and programming models. We will start by discussing the clouds motivating factors, benefits, challenges, service models, SLAs and security. We will describe several concepts behind data center design and management, which enable the economic and technological benefits of the cloud paradigm. Next, we will study how CPU, memory and I/O resources, network (SDN) and storage (SDS) are virtualized, and the key role of virtualization to enable the cloud. Subsequently, students will study cloud storage concepts like data distribution, durability, consistency and redundancy. We will discuss distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and object storage using HDFS, CephFS, HBASE, MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, S3, and Swift as case studies. Finally, students will study the MapReduce, Spark and GraphLab programming models. Students will work with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, to rent and provision compute resources and then program and deploy applications using these resources. Students will develop and evaluate scaling and load balancing solutions, work with cloud storage systems, and develop applications in several programming paradigms. 15619 students must complete an extra team project which entails designing and implementing a cost- and performance-sensitive web-service for querying big data. Click to read more... 15322 Introduction to Computer Music 9 Computers are used to synthesize sound, process signals, and compose music. Personal computers have replaced studios full of sound recording and processing equipment, completing a revolution that began with recording and electronics. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of digital audio, basic sound synthesis algorithms, and techniques for digital audio effects and processing. Students will apply their knowledge in programming assignments using a very high-level programming language for sound synthesis and composition. In a final project, students will demonstrate their mastery of tools and techniques through music composition or by the implementation of a significant sound-processing technique. Click to read more... 15330 Introduction to Computer Security 12 Security is becoming one of the core requirements in the design of critical systems. This course will introduce students to the intro-level fundamental knowledge of computer security and applied cryptography. Students will learn the basic concepts in computer security including software vulnerability analysis and defense, networking and wireless security, and applied cryptography. Students will also learn the fundamental methodology for how to design and analyze security critical systems. Click to read more... 15351 Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures 12 The objective of this course is to study algorithms for general computational problems, with a focus on the principles used to design those algorithms. Efficient data structures will be discussed to support these algorithmic concepts. Topics include: Run time analysis, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, network flow algorithms, linear and integer programming, large-scale search algorithms and heuristics, efficient data storage and query, and NP-completeness. Although this course may have a few programming assignments, it is primarily not a programming course. Instead, it will focus on the design and analysis of algorithms for general classes of problems. This course is not open to CS graduate students who should consider taking 15-651 instead. THIS COURSE IS NOT OPEN TO COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS OR MINORS. Click to read more... 15355 Modern Computer Algebra 9 The goal of this course is to investigate the relationship between algebra and computation. The course is designed to expose students to algorithms used for symbolic computation, as well as to the concepts from modern algebra which are applied to the development of these algorithms. This course provides a hands-on introduction to many of the most important ideas used in symbolic mathematical computation, which involves solving system of polynomial equations (via Groebner bases), analytic integration, and solving linear difference equations. Throughout the course the computer algebra system Mathematica will be used for computation. Click to read more... 15367 Algorithmic Textiles Design 12 Textile artifacts are -- quite literally -- all around us; from clothing to carpets to car seats. These items are often produced by sophisticated, computer-controlled fabrication machinery. In this course we will discuss everywhere code touches textiles fabrication, including design tools, simulators, and machine control languages. Students will work on a series of multi-week, open-ended projects, where they use code to create patterns for modern sewing/embroidery, weaving, and knitting machines; and then fabricate these patterns in the textiles lab. Students in the 800-level version of the course will additionally be required to create a final project that develops a new algorithm, device, or technique in textiles fabrication. Click to read more... 15386 Neural Computation 9 Computational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary science that seeks to understand how the brain computes to achieve natural intelligence. It seeks to understand the computational principles and mechanisms of intelligent behaviors and mental abilities -- such as perception, language, motor control, and learning -- by building artificial systems and computational models with the same capabilities. This course explores how neurons encode and process information, adapt and learn, communicate, cooperate, compete and compute at the individual level as well as at the levels of networks and systems. It will introduce basic concepts in computational modeling, information theory, signal processing, system analysis, statistical and probabilistic inference. Concrete examples will be drawn from the visual system and the motor systems, and studied from computational, psychological and biological perspectives. Students will learn to perform computational experiments using Matlab and quantitative studies of neurons and neuronal networks. Click to read more... 15394 Intermediate Rapid Prototyping 5 This course covers additional topics in rapid prototyping beyond the content of 15-294. Example topics include mechanism design, procedural shape generation using Grasshopper, 3D scanning and mesh manipulation, and advanced SolidWorks concepts. The only prerequisite is basic familiarity with SolidWorks, which can be obtained via 15-294, from other CMU courses, or from online tutorials. Click to read more... 15410 Operating System Design and Implementation 15 Operating System Design and Implementation is a rigorous hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of operating systems. The core experience is writing a small Unix-inspired OS kernel, in C with some x86 assembly language, which runs on a PC hardware simulator (and on actual PC hardware if you wish). Work is done in two-person teams, and "team programming" skills (source control, modularity, documentation) are emphasized. The size and scope of the programming assignments typically result in students significantly developing their design, implementation, and debugging abilities. Core concepts include the process model, virtual memory, threads, synchronization, and deadlock; the course also surveys higher-level OS topics including file systems, interprocess communication, networking, and security. Students, especially graduate students, who have not satisfied the prerequisite at Carnegie Mellon are strongly cautioned - to enter the class you must be able to write a storage allocator in C, use a debugger, understand 2's-complement arithmetic, and translate between C and x86 assembly language. The instructor may require you to complete a skills assessment exercise before the first week of the semester in order to remain registered in the class. Auditing: this course is usually full, and we generally receive many more requests to audit than we can accept. If you wish to audit, please have your advisor contact us before the semester begins to discuss your educational goals. Click to read more... 15411 Compiler Design 15 This course covers the design and implementation of compiler and run-time systems for high-level languages, and examines the interaction between language design, compiler design, and run-time organization. Topics covered include syntactic and lexical analysis, handling of user-defined types and type-checking, context analysis, code generation and optimization, and memory management and run-time organization. Click to read more... 15414 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification 9 Many CS and ECE students will be developing software and hardware that must be ultra reliable at some point in their careers. Logical errors in such designs can be costly, even life threatening. There have already been a number of well publicized errors like the Intel Pentium floating point error and the Arian 5 crash. In this course we will study tools for finding and preventing logical errors. Three types of tools will be studied: automated theorem proving, state exploration techniques like model checking and tools based on static program analysis. Although students will learn the theoretical basis for such tools, the emphasis will be on actually using them on real examples. This course can be used to satisfy the Logic & Languages requirement for the Computer Science major. Click to read more... 15417 HOT Compilation 12 The course covers the implementation of compilers for higher-order, typed languages such as ML and Haskell, and gives an introduction to type-preserving compilation. Topics covered include type inference, elaboration, CPS conversion, closure conversion, garbage collection, phase splitting, and typed assembly language. Click to read more... 15418 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming 12 The fundamental principles and engineering tradeoffs involved in designing modern parallel computers, as well as the programming techniques to effectively utilize these machines. Topics include naming shared data, synchronizing threads, and the latency and bandwidth associated with communication. Case studies on shared-memory, message-passing, data-parallel and dataflow machines will be used to illustrate these techniques and tradeoffs. Programming assignments will be performed on one or more commercial multiprocessors, and there will be a significant course project. Click to read more... 15440 Distributed Systems 12 The goals of this course are twofold: First, for students to gain an understanding of the principles and techniques behind the design of distributed systems, such as locking, concurrency, scheduling, and communication across the network. Second, for students to gain practical experience designing, implementing, and debugging real distributed systems. The major themes this course will teach include scarcity, scheduling, concurrency and concurrent programming, naming, abstraction and modularity, imperfect communication and other types of failure, protection from accidental and malicious harm, optimism, and the use of instrumentation and monitoring and debugging tools in problem solving. As the creation and management of software systems is a fundamental goal of any undergraduate systems course, students will design, implement, and debug large programming projects. As a consequence, competency in both the C and Java programming languages is required. Click to read more... 15442 Machine Learning Systems 12 The goal of this course is to provide students an understanding and overview of elements in modern machine learning systems. Throughout the course, the students will learn about the design rationale behind the state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks and advanced system techniques to scale, reduce memory, and offload heterogeneous compute resources. We will also run case studies of large-scale training and serving systems used in practice today. This course offers the necessary background for students who would like to pursue research in the area of machine learning systems or continue to work in machine learning engineering. Click to read more... 15445 Database Systems 12 This course is on the design and implementation of database management systems. Topics include data models (relational, document, key/value), storage models (n-ary, decomposition), query languages (SQL, stored procedures), storage architectures (heaps, log-structured), indexing (order preserving trees, hash tables), transaction processing (ACID, concurrency control), recovery (logging, checkpoints), query processing (joins, sorting, aggregation, optimization), and parallel architectures (multi-core, distributed). Case studies on open-source and commercial database systems will be used to illustrate these techniques and trade-offs. The course is appropriate for students with strong systems programming skills. Click to read more... 15451 Algorithm Design and Analysis 12 This course is about the design and analysis of algorithms. We study specific algorithms for a variety of problems, as well as general design and analysis techniques. Specific topics include searching, sorting, algorithms for graph problems, efficient data structures, lower bounds and NP-completeness. A variety of other topics may be covered at the discretion of the instructor. These include parallel algorithms, randomized algorithms, geometric algorithms, low level techniques for efficient programming, cryptography, and cryptographic protocols. Click to read more... 15455 Undergraduate Complexity Theory 9 Complexity theory is the study of how much of a resource (such as time, space, parallelism, or randomness) is required to perform some of the computations that interest us the most. In a standard algorithms course, one concentrates on giving resource efficient methods to solve interesting problems. In this course, we concentrate on techniques that prove or suggest that there are no efficient methods to solve many important problems. We will develop the theory of various complexity classes, such as P, NP, co-NP, PH, #P, PSPACE, NC, AC, L, NL, UP, RP, BPP, IP, and PCP. We will study techniques to classify problems according to our available taxonomy. By developing a subtle pattern of reductions between classes we will suggest an (as yet unproven!) picture of how by using limited amounts of various resources, we limit our computational power. Click to read more... 15458 Discrete Differential Geometry 12 This course focuses on three-dimensional geometry processing, while simultaneously providing a first course in traditional differential geometry. Our main goal is to show how fundamental geometric concepts (like curvature) can be understood from complementary computational and mathematical points of view. This dual perspective enriches understanding on both sides, and leads to the development of practical algorithms for working with real-world geometric data. Along the way we will revisit important ideas from calculus and linear algebra, putting a strong emphasis on intuitive, visual understanding that complements the more traditional formal, algebraic treatment. The course provides essential mathematical background as well as a large array of real-world examples and applications. It also provides a short survey of recent developments in digital geometry processing and discrete differential geometry. Topics include: curves and surfaces, curvature, connections and parallel transport, exterior algebra, exterior calculus, Stokes' theorem, simplicial homology, de Rham cohomology, Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition, conformal mapping, finite element methods, and numerical linear algebra. Applications include: approximation of curvature, curve and surface smoothing, surface parameterization, vector field design, and computation of geodesic distance. Click to read more... 15462 Computer Graphics 12 This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics. It focuses on fundamental concepts and techniques, and their cross-cutting relationship to multiple problem domains in graphics (rendering, animation, geometry, imaging). Topics include: sampling, aliasing, interpolation, rasterization, geometric transformations, parameterization, visibility, compositing, filtering, convolution, curves & surfaces, geometric data structures, subdivision, meshing, spatial hierarchies, ray tracing, radiometry, reflectance, light fields, geometric optics, Monte Carlo rendering, importance sampling, camera models, high-performance ray tracing, differential equations, time integration, numerical differentiation, physically-based animation, optimization, numerical linear algebra, inverse kinematics, Fourier methods, data fitting, example-based synthesis. Students will learn through lectures, exercises, and through hands-on programming experience as they build a 3D modeling, rasterization, path-tracing, and animation utility, Scotty3D, in C++. Click to read more... 15468 Physics-Based Rendering 12 This course is an introduction to physics-based rendering at the advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate level. During the course, we will cover fundamentals of light transport, including topics such as the rendering and radiative transfer equation, light transport operators, path integral formulations, and approximations such as diffusion and single scattering. Additionally, we will discuss state-of-the-art models for illumination, surface and volumetric scattering, and sensors. Finally, we will use these theoretical foundations to develop Monte Carlo algorithms and sampling techniques for efficiently simulating physically-accurate images. Towards the end of the course, we will look at advanced topics such as rendering wave optics, neural rendering, and differentiable rendering. The course has a strong programming component, during which students will develop their own working implementation of a physics-based renderer, including support for a variety of rendering algorithms, materials, illumination sources, and sensors. The project also includes a final project, during which students will select and implement some advanced rendering technique, and use their implementation to produce an image that is both technically and artistically compelling. The course will conclude with a rendering competition, where students submit their rendered images to win prizes. Cross-listing: This is both an advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate course, and it is cross-listed as 15-468 (for undergraduate students), 15-668 (for Master's students), and 15-868 (for PhD students). Please make sure to register for the section of the class that matches your current enrollment status. Click to read more... 15472 Real-Time Graphics 12 Real-time computer graphics is about building systems that leverage modern CPUs and GPUs to produce detailed, interactive, immersive, and high-frame-rate imagery. Students will build a state-of-the-art renderer using C++ and the Vulkan API. Topics explored will include efficient data handling strategies; culling and scene traversal; multi-threaded rendering; post-processing, depth of field, screen-space reflections; volumetric rendering; sample distribution, spatial and temporal sharing, and anti-aliasing; stereo view synthesis; physical simulation and collision detection; dynamic lights and shadows; global illumination, accelerated raytracing; dynamic resolution, "AI" upsampling; compute shaders; parallax occlusion mapping; tessellation, displacement; skinning, transform feedback; debugging, profiling, and accelerating graphics algorithms. Click to read more... 15494 Cognitive Robotics: The Future of Robot Toys 12 This course will explore the future of robot toys by analyzing and programming Anki Cozmo, a new robot with built-in artificial intelligence algorithms. Como is distinguished from earlier consumer robots by its reliance on vision as the primary sensing mode and its sophisticated use of A.I. Its capabilities include face and object recognition, map building, path planning, and object pushing and stacking. Although marketed as a pre-programmed children's toy, Cozmo's open source Python SDK allows anyone to develop new software for it, which means it can also be used for robotics education and research. The course will cover robot software architecture, human-robot interaction, perception, and planning algorithms for navigation and manipulation. Prior robotics experience is not required, just strong programming skills. Click to read more... 15513 Introduction to Computer Systems varies This course provides a programmer's view of how computer systems execute programs, store information, and communicate. It enables students to become more effective programmers, especially in dealing with issues of performance, portability and robustness. It also serves as a foundation for courses on compilers, networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include: machine-level code and its generation by optimizing compilers, performance evaluation and optimization, computer arithmetic, memory organization and management, networking technology and protocols, and supporting concurrent computation. Click to read more... 15591 Independent Study in Computer Science varies The School of Computer Science offers Independent Study courses, which allow motivated students to work on projects under the supervision of a faculty advisor while receiving academic credit. Independent studies are usually one semester in duration and require prior approval from the faculty member and the School of Computer Science. Click to read more... 15592 Independent Study in Computer Science varies The School of Computer Science offers Independent Study courses, which allow motivated students to work on projects under the supervision of a faculty advisor while receiving academic credit. Independent studies are usually one semester in duration and require prior approval from the faculty member and the School of Computer Science. Click to read more... 15593 Independent Study in Computer Science varies The School of Computer Science offers Independent Study courses, which allow motivated students to work on projects under the supervision of a faculty advisor while receiving academic credit. Independent studies are usually one semester in duration and require prior approval from the faculty member and the School of Computer Science. Click to read more... 15605 Operating System Design and Implementation 15 Operating System Design and Implementation is a rigorous hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of operating systems. The core experience is writing a small Unix-inspired OS kernel, in C with some x86 assembly language, which runs on a PC hardware simulator (and on actual PC hardware if you wish). Work is done in two-person teams, and "team programming" skills (source control, modularity, documentation) are emphasized. The size and scope of the programming assignments typically result in students significantly developing their design, implementation, and debugging abilities. Core concepts include the process model, virtual memory, threads, synchronization, and deadlock; the course also surveys higher-level OS topics including file systems, interprocess communication, networking, and security. Students, especially graduate students, who have not satisfied the prerequisite at Carnegie Mellon are strongly cautioned - to enter the class you must be able to write a storage allocator in C, use a debugger, understand 2's-complement arithmetic, and translate between C and x86 assembly language. The instructor may require you to complete a skills assessment exercise before the first week of the semester in order to remain registered in the class. Auditing: this course is usually full, and we generally receive many more requests to audit than we can accept. If you wish to audit, please have your advisor contact us before the semester begins to discuss your educational goals. Click to read more... 15611 Compiler Design 15 This course covers the design and implementation of compiler and run-time systems for high-level languages, and examines the interaction between language design, compiler design, and run-time organization. Topics covered include syntactic and lexical analysis, handling of user-defined types and type-checking, context analysis, code generation and optimization, and memory management and run-time organization. Click to read more... 15614 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification 9 Many CS and ECE students will be developing software and hardware that must be ultra reliable at some point in their careers. Logical errors in such designs can be costly, even life threatening. There have already been a number of well publicized errors like the Intel Pentium floating point error and the Arian 5 crash. In this course we will study tools for finding and preventing logical errors. Three types of tools will be studied: automated theorem proving, state exploration techniques like model checking and tools based on static program analysis. Although students will learn the theoretical basis for such tools, the emphasis will be on actually using them on real examples. This course can be used to satisfy the Logic & Languages requirement for the Computer Science major. Click to read more... 15617 HOT Compilation 12 The course covers the implementation of compilers for higher-order, typed languages such as ML and Haskell, and gives an introduction to type-preserving compilation. Topics covered include type inference, elaboration, CPS conversion, closure conversion, garbage collection, phase splitting, and typed assembly language. Click to read more... 15618 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming 12 The fundamental principles and engineering tradeoffs involved in designing modern parallel computers, as well as the programming techniques to effectively utilize these machines. Topics include naming shared data, synchronizing threads, and the latency and bandwidth associated with communication. Case studies on shared-memory, message-passing, data-parallel and dataflow machines will be used to illustrate these techniques and tradeoffs. Programming assignments will be performed on one or more commercial multiprocessors, and there will be a significant course project. Click to read more... 15619 Cloud Computing 15 This course gives students an overview of Cloud Computing, which is the delivery of computing as a service over a network, whereby distributed resources are rented, rather than owned, by an end user as a utility. Students will study its enabling technologies, building blocks, and gain hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures. Cloud computing services are widely adopted by many organizations across domains. The course will introduce the cloud and cover the topics of data centers, software stack, virtualization, software defined networks and storage, cloud storage, and programming models. We will start by discussing the clouds motivating factors, benefits, challenges, service models, SLAs and security. We will describe several concepts behind data center design and management, which enable the economic and technological benefits of the cloud paradigm. Next, we will study how CPU, memory and I/O resources, network (SDN) and storage (SDS) are virtualized, and the key role of virtualization to enable the cloud. Subsequently, students will study cloud storage concepts like data distribution, durability, consistency and redundancy. We will discuss distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and object storage using HDFS, CephFS, HBASE, MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, S3, and Swift as case studies. Finally, students will study the MapReduce, Spark and GraphLab programming models. Students will work with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, to rent and provision compute resources and then program and deploy applications using these resources. Students will develop and evaluate scaling and load balancing solutions, work with cloud storage systems, and develop applications in several programming paradigms. 15619 students must complete an extra team project which entails designing and implementing a cost- and performance-sensitive web-service for querying big data. Click to read more... 15621 ST: Developing Blockchain Use Cases 6 While the course will not be overly technical on any specific dimension, it will be hands on and you will need to be creative. Therefore, while there are no formal prerequisites, we expect students to have a background in economics, cryptography, or computer science and all students should have some basic comfortability with programming. We will do our best to create groups that feature a mix of existing knowledge. The overall goal is to deliver enough knowledge about the potential and capabilities of blockchain technologies to enable students interested in this space to develop their own uses cases or applications. Click to read more... 15622 Introduction to Computer Music 12 Computers are used to synthesize sound, process signals, and compose music. Personal computers have replaced studios full of sound recording and processing equipment, completing a revolution that began with recording and electronics. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of digital audio, basic sound synthesis algorithms, and techniques for digital audio effects and processing. Students will apply their knowledge in programming assignments using a very high-level programming language for sound synthesis and composition. In a final project, students will demonstrate their mastery of tools and techniques through music composition or by the implementation of a significant sound-processing technique. Click to read more... 15639 Independent Study in Computer Science Pedagogy varies This class is for master's students contributing to the development and delivery of a class, e.g., in a co-instructor role or as a preparation for teaching professionally. Students will be supervised by a faculty member and will participate in graduate teaching support activities sponsored by the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation. You must contact your academic advisor to be enrolled in the class. Click to read more... 15640 Distributed Systems 12 The goals of this course are twofold: First, for students to gain an understanding of the principles and techniques behind the design of distributed systems, such as locking, concurrency, scheduling, and communication across the network. Second, for students to gain practical experience designing, implementing, and debugging real distributed systems. The major themes this course will teach include scarcity, scheduling, concurrency and concurrent programming, naming, abstraction and modularity, imperfect communication and other types of failure, protection from accidental and malicious harm, optimism, and the use of instrumentation and monitoring and debugging tools in problem solving. As the creation and management of software systems is a fundamental goal of any undergraduate systems course, students will design, implement, and debug large programming projects. As a consequence, competency in both the C and Java programming languages is required. Click to read more... 15642 Machine Learning Systems 12 The goal of this course is to provide students an understanding and overview of elements in modern machine learning systems. Throughout the course, the students will learn about the design rationale behind the state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks and advanced system techniques to scale, reduce memory, and offload heterogeneous compute resources. We will also run case studies of large-scale training and serving systems used in practice today. This course offers the necessary background for students who would like to pursue research in the area of machine learning systems or continue to work in machine learning engineering. Click to read more... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »