

Carnegie Mellon's work in graphics research began in the 1970s, and focuses on data-driven computer graphics with a strong emphasis on realism and techniques that allow a user to have intuitive, real-time interaction with characters and scenes.

Research group faculty and students on stage in front of projected text awarding CVPR 2019 Best Paper Award

Recent projects include realistic representation of character skin deformations, dynamic motions, trips, grasps, and clothing, driven from captured human motion data and human subjects studies; realistic renderings of fluids and separation of global vs. direct illumination properties of scenes, driven by sampling those scenes under controlled lighting conditions; new interpretation and interface tools for photographs, and new views of scenes driven from very large collections of images and video; and a new understanding of problem-solving strategies for difficult problems such as protein folding, obtained from tremendous numbers of samples of users engaged in game play.

Collaborations between computer graphics and other groups within CMU are very strong, as each member of the graphics group has multiple research interests. One major addition to our local collaborative environment is the founding of Disney Research Pittsburgh, which has brought a number of talented graphics researchers right next to campus.

Events in Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Theory

Faculty Working in this Area

Last First Professional Title Available To Advise?
Crane Keenan Associate Professor
Hodgins Jessica Allen Newell University Professor of Computer Science And Robotics
Li Minchen Assistant Professor
O'Toole Matthew Assistant Professor
Pollard Nancy Professor
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