Publications by <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' --> <!-- 💡 BEGIN CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' --> Gregory Ganger <!-- END CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


Freeblock scheduling outside of disk firmware

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Lumb CR, Schindler J, Ganger GR


Freeblock scheduling outside of disk firmware

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Lumb CR, Schindler J, Ganger GR


Timing-accurate Storage Emulation

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Griffin JL, Schindler J, Schlosser SW, Bucy JS, Ganger GR


Timing-accurate Storage Emulation

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Griffin JL, Schindler J, Schlosser SW, Bucy JS, Ganger GR


Track-aligned Extents: Matching access patterns to disk drive characteristics

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Schindler J, Griffin JL, Lumb CR, Ganger GR


Track-aligned Extents: Matching access patterns to disk drive characteristics

2002 • Proceedings of the FAST 2002 Conference on File and Storage Technologies
Schindler J, Griffin JL, Lumb CR, Ganger GR


Authentication confidences

2001 • Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems - HOTOS • 169
Ganger GR


Better security via smarter devices

2001 • Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems - HOTOS • 100-105
Ganger GR, Nagle DF


Survivable storage systems

2001 • Proceedings - DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II, DISCEX 2001 • 2:184-195
Ganger GR, Khosla PK, Bakkaloglu M, Bigrigg MW, Goodson GR, Oguz S, Pandurangan V, Soules CAN, Strunk JD, Wylie JJ
Displaying 201 - 225 of 270