Doctoral Open House 2024 Admitted Student Open House March 21 & 22, 2024 Welcome! Congratulations on being admitted to the Computer Science Department doctoral program! We hope you will join us for our Open House. There are informational group events and one-on-one meetings with faculty and doctoral students to help you decide if our program is the best fit for you to pursue your degree. A customized schedule will be provided based on the research areas and interests that you provide on our information form, which you will receive via email along with detailed information inviting you to our program overview event. Prior to your visit be sure to access the program overview, Ph.D. Handbook and Faculty Research Guide for information about the degree program and research that is currently happening across the department. We strongly encourage in-person attendance. Due to the ongoing pandemic some remote access will be accommodated. Community members and visitors to CMU are expected to be fully vaccinated when medically possible. Proof of vaccination can be sent to Good quality masks are recommended while indoors, except while eating. Visiting Campus Travel to Pittsburgh You should arrange for your own flights to/from Pittsburgh International Airport or ground transportation (train, bus, etc.) to get to Pittsburgh. Hotel Accommodations The admissions coordinator will be in contact with you to provide reservation information once your travel is confirmed. The department reserves a room on your behalf with the hotel. Ground Transportation while in Pittsburgh Public Bus Service 28X (to and from PIT airport)LyftUber *Note that shuttles are provided to/from the hotel and to some off campus events during your visit. Please refer to the daily schedule. On Campus Locations for Meetings & Events Cohen University Center (CUC)University Information DeskGates Hillman Center for Computer Science (GHC)Newell-Simon Hall (NSH)Robert Mehrabian Collaborative Innovation Center (CIC)Smith Hall (EDS)TCS Hall Wean Hall (WEH)Additional information about locations on campus is available on the interactive campus map. Maps & Virtual Tours Interactive Campus MapPrintable PDF MapVirtual Tour of CMUGoogle Map of CMUWalking tour of Oakland Open House ScheduleThe calendar provided here is for group activities during the CSD Doctoral Admitted Student Open House. Please be sure to refer to your individual schedule for 1-to-1 meetings and events specific to your visit to campus. Contact Charlotte Yano with any questions you may have about your schedule.We hope you have a wonderful visit to Pittsburgh, CMU, and CSD! Travel Reimbursement Travel Reimbursement We will reimburse up to $750.00 USD for your travel expenses.Please fill out the online Expense Report by April 26, 2024.2024 IRS Mileage rate: 67 cents per mile ($0.67).You will receive an email from Charlotte Yano to let you know that the reimbursement process has begun for you.You will also receive an email from: step is required for your expenses to be reimbursed — The email you receive from Carnegie Mellon will provide the link for online access to enter your electronic banking information, your postal address, scans/photos of all your receipts and answers to a few questions.The CMU reimbursement system is data-secure, but if you have questions about the system you can call +1-412-268-3509 and talk to a dedicated staff person in Accounts Payable.After you provide required information the reimbursement process will be completed and submitted.You will receive an email notification that your reimbursement is being processed, and you will receive payment in approximately 3 weeks. Campus Resources and Regional Information Campus Resources Graduate Student ActivitiesGraduate Student AssociationStudent Health InsuranceCounseling ServicesLGBTQ+ resourcesCMQ+Center for Student DiversityWomen@SCSSCS4ALLTechNightsBenefitsRetirement Savings Pittsburgh Housing Options CMU off-campus housingPgh. Craig's ListFacebook Pgh. Housing & Roomates Things to Do & See Online EventsConvention & Vistors BureauVenture OutdoorsBike PghCurrent Local WeatherNext PittsburghIndependent NewsBest Food & Restaurants25 Best RestaurantsQuest to find the bestPerforming ArtsCarnegie Museums About Key Contacts Employment Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Marketing & Communications History Partnerships Employer Recruiting Visit Carnegie Mellon Visitor Parking Prospective Students Bachelor's Programs Master's Programs Doctoral Programs Admitted Doctoral Student Open House Doctoral Programs OverviewFaculty Research GuideContacts:Open House Chair Dimitrios SkarlatosCoordinator Charlotte Yano Break Room:GHC 7114 is available for breaks and socializing between meetings and events — access code is provided in your Welcome Folder.Internet Access:Wireless access information will be provided in person.Document Printing:For printouts, please email document to Charlotte Yano and pick up in GHC 6027.Feeback & Decision:We appreciate your feedback! Please use our Feedback Form following your visit. Remember to log your decision to accept or decline CSD's offer by April 15, 2024, via the Applygrad reply form.