Publications by <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' --> <!-- 💡 BEGIN CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' --> Seth Goldstein <!-- END CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


Implications of self-assembly: A computer science perspective

2005 • 2nd Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, FNANO 2005 • 251-253
Goldstein SC


Spatial computation

2004 • 11th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS XI • 14-26
Budiu M, Venkataramani G, Chelcea T, Goldstein SC


Digital logic using molecular electronics

2002 • Digest of technical papers / IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference • 160-161+447
Goldstein SC, Rosewater D


Digital logic using molecular electronics

2002 • Digest of technical papers / IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference • 204-205+459+195
Goldstein SC, Rosewater D
Displaying 76 - 100 of 151