Journal Article Quantifying interactive user experience on thin clients 2006 • Computer • 39(3):46-+ Tolia N, Andersen DG, Satyanarayanan M
Conference Improving web availability for clients with MONET 2005 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI '05) • 115-128 Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek MF, Rao RN
Conference What the protocol stack missed: The transfer service 2005 • Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, SOSP 2005 Tolia N, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Patil SV
Conference Best-path vs. multi-path overlay routing 2003 91-100 Andersen DG, Snoeren AC, Balakrishnan H
Conference Best-path vs. multi-path overlay routing 2003 • Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference, IMC • 91-100 Andersen DG, Snoeren AC, Balakrishnan H
Conference Experience with an evolving overlay network testbed 2003 • Computer Communication Review • 33(3):13-19 Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Frans Kaashoek M, Morris R
Conference Mayday: Distributed Filtering for Internet Services 2003 • 4th USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USITS 2003 Andersen DG
Conference Measuring the effects of Internet path faults on reactive routing 2003 • Performance Evaluation Review • 31(1):126-137 Feamster N, Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek MF
Conference Measuring the effects of internet path faults on reactive routing 2003 126-137 Feamster N, Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek MF
Conference Resilient overlay networks 2002 • Computer Communication Review • 32(1):66 Andersen D, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek F, Morris R
Conference Topology inference from BGP routing dynamics 2002 243-248 Andersen DG, Feamster N, Bauer S, Balakrishnan H
Conference Topology inference from BGP routing dynamics 2002 • Proceedings of the 2nd Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW 2002) • 243-248 Andersen DG, Feamster N, Bauer S, Balakrishnan H
Conference Fine-grained failover using connection migration 2001 • 3rd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USITS 2001 Snoeren AC, Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H
Journal Article Resilient overlay networks 2001 • Operating Systems Review • 35(5):131-145 Andersen D, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek F, Morris R
Preprint System Support for Bandwidth Management and Content Adaptation in Internet Applications 2001 Andersen DG, Bansal D, Curtis D, Seshan S, Balakrishnan H
Conference The case for resilient overlay networks 2001 • Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems - HOTOS • 152-157 Andersen DG, Balakrishnan H, Kaashoek MF, Morris R
Conference System support for bandwidth management and content adaptation in internet applications 2000 • 4th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, OSDI 2000 Andersen D, Bansal D, Curtis D, Seshan S, Balakrishnan H
Conference System support for bandwidth management and content adaptation in internet applications 2000 • 4th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, OSDI 2000 Andersen D, Bansal D, Curtis D, Seshan S, Balakrishnan H
Journal Article System support for bandwidth management and content adaptation in internet applications 2000 • Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, OSDI 2000 Andersen D, Bansal D, Curtis D, Seshan S, Balakrishnan H
Conference The flask security architecture: System support for diverse security policies 1999 • 8th USENIX Security Symposium Spencer R, Smalley S, Loscocco P, Hibler M, Andersen D, Lepreau J