Journal Article Sample Complexity of Automated Mechanism Design 2016 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 29: Balcan M-F, Sandholm T, Vitercik E
Preprint Scalable Influence Maximization for Multiple Products in Continuous-Time Diffusion Networks 2016 Du N, Liang Y, Balcan M-F, Gomez-Rodriguez M, Zha H, Song L
Conference A distributed Frank-Wolfe algorithm for communication-efficient sparse learning 2015 • SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2015, SDM 2015 • 478-486 Bellet A, Liang Y, Garakani AB, Balcan MF, Sha F
Conference Commitment without regrets: Online learning in stackelberg security games 2015 • EC 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation • 61-78 Balcan MF, Blum A, Haghtalab N, Procaccia AD
Preprint Communication Efficient Distributed Kernel Principal Component Analysis 2015 Balcan M-F, Liang Y, Song L, Woodruff D, Xie B
Preprint Data Driven Resource Allocation for Distributed Learning 2015 Dick T, Li M, Pillutla VK, White C, Balcan MF, Smola A
Journal Article Efficient learning of linear separators under bounded noise 2015 • Journal of machine learning research • 40(2015): Awasthi P, Balcan MF, Haghtalab N, Urner R
Preprint Efficient Learning of Linear Separators under Bounded Noise 2015 Awasthi P, Balcan M-F, Haghtalab N, Urner R
Journal Article Efficient representations for lifelong learning and autoencoding 2015 • Journal of machine learning research • 40(2015): Balcan MF, Blum A, Vempala S
Chapter Foundations for center-based clustering: Worst-case approximations and modern developments 2015 67-102 Awasthi P, Balcan MF
Preprint Label Efficient Learning by Exploiting Multi-class Output Codes 2015 Balcan MF, Dick T, Mansour Y
Conference Learning Cooperative Games 2015 • IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence • 475-481 Balcan M-F, Procaccia AD, Zick Y
Conference Learning Submodular Functions with Applications to Multi-Agent Systems 2015 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS & MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS (AAMAS'15) • 3-3 Balcan MF
Journal Article Statistical Active Learning Algorithms for Noise Tolerance and Differential Privacy 2015 • Algorithmica • 72(1):282-315 Balcan MF, Feldman V
Preprint A Distributed Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Communication-Efficient Sparse Learning 2014 Bellet A, Liang Y, Garakani AB, Balcan M-F, Sha F
Conference A new perspective on learning linear separators with large L<inf>q</inf>L<inf>p</inf> margins 2014 • Journal of machine learning research • 33:68-76 Balcan MF, Berlind C
Conference Active learning and best-response dynamics 2014 • Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems • 3(January):2222-2230 Balcan MF, Berlind C, Blum A, Cohen E, Patnaik K, Song L
Preprint Active Learning and Best-Response Dynamics 2014 Balcan M-F, Berlind C, Blum A, Cohen E, Patnaik K, Song L