Conference Wifi-Reports: Improving Wireless Network Selection with Collaboration 2009 • MOBISYS'09: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS, AND SERVICES • 123-136 Pang J, Greenstein B, Kaminsky M, McCoy D, Seshan S
Conference Donnybrook: Enabling large-scale, high-speed, peer-to-peer games 2008 • Computer Communication Review • 38(4):389-400 Bharambe A, Douceur JR, Lorch JR, Moscibroda T, Pang J, Seshan S, Zhuang X
Conference Improving Wireless Privacy with an Identifier-Free Link Layer Protocol 2008 • MOBISYS'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOBILE SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS, AND SERVICES • 40-+ Greenstein B, McCoy D, Pang J, Kohno T, Seshan S, Wetheral D
Conference Mark-and-Sweep: Getting the "Inside" Scoop on Neighborhood Networks 2008 • IMC'08: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 ACM SIGCOMM INTERNET MEASUREMENT CONFERENCE • 99-+ Han D, Agarwala A, Andersen DG, Kaminsky M, Papagiannaki K, Seshan S
Conference Measurement and analysis of TCP throughput collapse in cluster-based storage systems 2008 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH USENIX CONFERENCE ON FILE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES (FAST '08) • 175-188 Phanishayee A, Krevat E, Vasudevan V, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Seshan S
Conference On application-level approaches to avoiding TCP throughput collapse in cluster-based storage systems 2008 • Proceedings of the 2nd International Petascale Data Storage Workshop, PDSW '07, held in Conjunction with Supercomputing '07 • 1-4 Krevat E, Vasudevan V, Phanishayee A, Andersen DG, Ganger GR, Gibson GA, Seshan S
Journal Article On the performance benefits of multihoming route control 2008 • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking • 16(1):91-104 Akella A, Maggs B, Seshan S, Shaikh A
Journal Article On the performance benefits of multihoming route control (vol 16, pg 91, 2008) 2008 • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking • 16(2):496-496 Akella A, Maggs B, Seshan S, Shaikh A, Sitaraman RK
Conference Packet caches on routers: The implications of universal redundant traffic elimination 2008 • Computer Communication Review • 38(4):219-230 Anand A, Gupta A, Akella A, Seshan S, Shenker S
Journal Article Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks 2008 • ACM transactions on sensor networks • 4(2): Nath S, Gibbons PB, Seshan S, Anderson Z
Conference 802.11 User Fingerprinting 2007 • Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM • 99-+ Pang J, Greenstein B, Gummadi R, Seshan S, Wetherall D
Conference Can ferris bueller still have his day off? Protecting privacy in the wireless era 2007 • Proceedings of HotOS 2007 - 11th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems Greenstein B, Gummadi R, Pang J, Chen MY, Kohno T, Seshan S, Wetherall D
Conference Defragmenting DHT-based distributed file systems 2007 • Distributed Computing Systems • 14 Pang J, Gibbons PB, Kaminsky M, Seshan S, Yu H
Journal Article Self-management in chaotic wireless deployments 2007 • Wireless Networks • 13(6):737-755 Akella A, Judd G, Seshan S, Steenkiste P
Conference Tryst: The Case for Confidential Service Discovery 2007 • 6th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, HotNets 2007 Pang J, Greenstein B, McCoy D, Seshan S, Wetherall D
Conference Understanding and mitigating the impact of RF interference on 802.11 networks 2007 • ACM SIGCOMM 2007: Conference on Computer Communications • 385-396 Gummadi R, Wetherall D, Greenstein B, Seshan S
Journal Article Understanding and mitigating the impact of RF interference on 802.11 networks 2007 • Computer Communication Review • 37(4):385-396 Gummadi R, Wetherall D, Greenstein B, Seshan S
Conference CogNet: An architectural foundation for experimental cognitive radio networks within the future internet 2006 • MobiArch 2006 - Proceedings of First ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture, in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 • 11-16 Raychaudhuri D, Mandayam NB, Evans JB, Ewy BJ, Seshan S, Steenkiste P
Conference Colyseus: A distributed architecture for online multiplayer games 2006 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI 06) • 155-+ Bharambe A, Pang J, Seshan S
Conference RouterFarm: Towards a dynamic, manageable network edge 2006 • Proceedings of the 2006 SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet Network Management, INM'06 • 2006:5-10 Agrawal M, Bailey SR, Greenberg A, Pastor J, Sebos P, Seshan S, Van Der Merwe K, Yates J
Conference Subtleties in tolerating correlated failures in wide-area storage system 2006 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORKED SYSTEMS DESIGN & IMPLEMENTATION (NSDI 06) • 225-238 Nath S, Yu H, Gibbons PB, Seshan S
Conference Adaptive data placement for wide-area sensing services 2005 • USENIX ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH USENIX CONFERENCE ON FILE AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES • 45-58 Nath S, Gibbons PB, Seshan S
Conference IrisNet: An internet-scale architecture for multimedia sensors 2005 • Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM 2005 • 81-88 Campbell J, Pillai P, Gibbons PB, Seshan S, Nath S, Sukthankar R
Conference Self-management in chaotic wireless deployments 2005 • Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM • 185-199 Akella A, Judd G, Seshan S, Steenkiste P
Conference The impact of heterogeneous bandwidth constraints on DHT-Based multicast protocols 2005 • Lecture Notes in Computer Science • 3640:115-126 Bharambe AR, Rao SG, Padmanabhan VN, Seshan S, Zhang H