Publications by <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'views_view_field' --> <!-- 💡 BEGIN CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' --> Christos Faloutsos <!-- END CUSTOM TEMPLATE OUTPUT from 'themes/custom/csd/templates/views/views-view-field.html.twig' -->


F4: Large-scale automated forecasting using fractals

2002 • International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings • 2-9
Chakrabarti D, Faloutsos C


Future directions in data mining: Streams, networks, self-similarity and power laws

2002 • International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings • 93
Faloutsos C


Making every bit count: Fast nonlinear axis scaling

2002 • Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining • 664-669
Wu L, Faloutsos C


NetCube: A scalable tool for fast data mining and compression

2001 • VLDB 2001 - Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases • 311-320
Margaritis D, Faloutsos C, Thruny S


Tri-plots: Scalable tools for multidimensional data mining

2001 • Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining • 184-193
Traina A, Traina C, Papadimitriou S, Faloutsos C


VideoGraph: A new tool for video mining and classification

2001 • Proceedings of First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries • 116-117
Pan JY, Faloutsos C
Displaying 676 - 700 of 827