DEI Introductory Course for CS Doctoral Students

Course ID 15996

Description The goal of this course is to prepare PhD students to engage in the CS community, even as our community evolves to put more emphasis on Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI). This evolution is reflected in the increasing expectations of students to engage meaningfully with JEDI concepts on department committees, in student groups, and on job applications.

Key Topics
Inclusion, Well-being, Allyship, Identity safety, Self-advocacy

Learning Resources

Course Relevance
This orientation course is required for incoming Computer Science Department doctoral students.

Course Goals
"This course aims to increase students' abilities to:

Bravely, knowledgeably, openly, and inclusively discuss JEDI-related topics.
Name central JEDI concepts occurring in day-to-day interactions.
Self-advocate and practice self-care in the academic context.
Practice allyship to others in the academic context.
Apply evidence-based JEDI-promoting practices in research, teaching, and academic leadership positions.
Identify JEDI topics of interest and continue learning independently."

Extra Time Commitments
Some evening and weekend activities are planned during the Introductory Course

Course Link