Graduate Artificial Intelligence

Course ID 15780

Description This course provides a broad perspective on AI, covering (i) classical approaches of search and planning useful for robotics, (ii) integer programming and continuous optimization that form the bedrock for many AI algorithms, (iii) modern machine learning techniques including deep learning that power many recent AI applications, (iv) game theory and multi-agent systems, and (v) issues of bias and unfairness in AI. In addition to understanding the theoretical foundations, we will also study modern algorithms in the research literature.

Key Topics
(i) classical approaches of search and planning useful for robotics, (ii) integer programming and continuous optimization that form the bedrock for many AI algorithms, (iii) modern machine learning techniques including deep learning that power many recent AI applications, (iv) game theory and multi-agent systems, and (v) issues of bias and unfairness in AI.

Learning Resources
Piazza, Gradescope, courses website

Course Relevance
This course is targeted at graduate students who are interested in learning about artificial intelligence.

Course Goals
In addition to understanding the theoretical foundations, we will also study modern algorithms in the research literature.

Pre-Requirement Knowledge
There are no formal pre-requisites for the course, but students should have previous programming experience (programming assignments will be given in Python), as well as some general CS background. Please see the instructors if you are unsure whether your background is suitable for the course.

Course Link