Computer Networks

Course ID 15744

Description 15-744 is a doctoral course in computer networking research. The goals are: To understand the state of the art in network protocols, network architecture, and networked systems. To engage with systems research at a scholarly level through written and oral argument. To investigate novel ideas and make new scholarly arguments through a semester-long research project in computer networking.

Key Topics
CSD PhD students. Others by instructor permission only.

Learning Resources
This class is writing and language-intensive. You will not be graded on the perfection of your English grammar, but you will be graded on the content, structure, clarity, and quality of your written arguments. The Global Communication Center can help you with these skills:
As part of your class project, you may need additional resources like special hardware or AWS credits -- please talk to me about any special infrastructure you may need.

Course Relevance
CSD PhD students. Others by instructor permission only.

Course Goals
15-744 is a doctoral course in computer networking research. The goals are:

To understand the state of the art in network protocols, network architecture, and networked systems.
To engage with systems research at a scholarly level through written and oral argument.
To investigate novel ideas and make new scholarly arguments through a semester-long research project in computer networking.

Pre-Requirement Knowledge
Experience reading research papers at a scholarly level; a bachelor's level understanding of computer science, mathematics, or a related STEM field; independence.

Course Link