Advanced Cloud Computing

Course ID 15719

Description Computing in the cloud has emerged as a leading paradigm for cost-effective, scalable, well-managed computing. Users pay for services provided in a broadly shared, power efficient datacenter, enabling dynamic computing needs to be met without paying for more than is needed. Actual machines may be virtualized into machine-like services, or more abstract programming platforms, or application-specific services, with the cloud computing infrastructure managing sharing, scheduling, reliability, availability, elasticity, privacy, provisioning and geographic replication This course will survey the aspects of cloud computing by reading about 30 papers and articles, executing cloud computing tasks on a state of the art cloud computing service, and implementing a change or feature in a state of the art cloud computing framework. There will be no final exam, but there will be two in class exams. Grades will be about 50 project work and about 50 examination results.

Key Topics
This course will survey the aspects of cloud computing by reading about 30 papers and articles, executing cloud computing tasks on a state of the art cloud computing service, and implementing a change or feature in a state of the art cloud computing framework.

Learning Resources
Piazza, Canvas, course Wiki

Course Relevance
graduate students in CS and ECE

Course Goals
Students completing Advanced Cloud Computing will develop a broad based understanding of state-of-the-art technologies, underlying business and technological trends, key systems and artifacts and research directions in modern data center computing, scalable distributed systems, and programming frameworks enabling the widespread adoption of cloud computing. Many will go on to code, design and architect innovative new cloud computing services and offerings, and to develop business processes to exploit opportunities afforded by modern cloud computing.

Pre-Requirement Knowledge
This course will require solid understanding of computer organization, basic operating systems, and basic communication. Therefore, the minimum prerequisite is a 'B' or better in 15-213 (or 18-213 or 15-513 of 18-600, which are the same class) or an 'A-' or better in 15-619. Exceptions are rare and only by permission of the instructor.

Course Link