Intermediate Rapid Prototyping

Course ID 15394

Description This course covers additional topics in rapid prototyping beyond the content of 15-294. Example topics include mechanism design, procedural shape generation using Grasshopper, 3D scanning and mesh manipulation, and advanced SolidWorks concepts. The only prerequisite is basic familiarity with SolidWorks, which can be obtained via 15-294, from other CMU courses, or from online tutorials.

Key Topics
Mechanism design and physics-based simulation; Parametric shape generation; 3D scanning and mesh manipulation; Advanced SolidWorks concepts.

Learning Resources
SolidWorks; Rhino/Grasshopper.

Course Relevance
Students looking to expand beyond the concepts of 15-294 to explore mechanical design and parametric modeling.

Course Goals
Exploring the design and construction of mechanisms and automata, including their simulation in SolidWorks; exploring parametric modeling with Rhino/Grasshopper; fabricating devices using laser cutting and 3D printing.

Pre-Requirement Knowledge
Basic facility with SolidWorks

Course Link