SCS Ph.D. Graduation 2019

Doctoral Degrees Conferred

Academic Year: 1995-1996
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Amy Moormann Zaremski Jeannette Wing Signature and Specification Matching
Academic Year: 1994-1995
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Anurag Acharya Peter Lee Scalability in Production System Programs
Prasad Chalasani Avrim Blum Competitive Online Learning Algorithms for Navigation, Paging, and Predicting Switching Functions
John Cheng Tom Mitchell Management of Speedup Mechanisms in Learning Architectures
Robert B. Doorenbos Jill Fain Lehman Production Matching for Large Learning Systems
Michael Gleicher Andrew Witkin A Differential Approach to Graphical Interaction
Aarti Gupta Allan Fisher Inductive Boolean Function Manipulation: A Hardware Verification Methodology for Automatic Induction
Susan Hinrichs Thomas Gross Compiler-Directed Architecture Dependent Communication Optimizations
Puneet Kumar M. Satyanarayanan Mitigating the Effects of Optimistic Replication in a Distributed File System
Francesmary Modugno Brad Myers Pursuit: Programming in the User Interface
John Mount Ravindran Kannan Application of Convex Sampling to Optimization and Contingency Table Generation/Counting
Sean Smith Doug Tygar Secure Distributed Time for Secure Distributed Protocols
Peter D. Stout Brian Bershad, Eric Cooper WAX: A Wide-area Distributed Computation System
Joseph Tebelskis Alexander Waibel Speech Recognition Using Neural Networks
Kim Ritter Wagner Dana Scott Solving Domain Equations with Internal Pre-Orders
Jeffrey Todd Wilson Dana Scott The Assembly Tower and Some Categorical and Algebraic Aspects of Frame Theory
Academic Year: 1993-1994
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Ann Pendleton Anderson Frank Pfenning Program Derivation by Proof Transformation
Derek Lee Beatty Randal Bryant A Methodology for Formal Hardware Verification, with Applications to Microprocessors
John Bradley Chen Doug Tygar The Impact of Software Structure and Policy on CPU and Memory System Performance
Richard Powell Draves Jr. Richard Rashid Control Transfer in Operating System Kernels
Timothy Scott Freeman Frank Pfenning Refinement Types for ML
Bruce Lawrence Horn James Morris, Jeannette Wing Constrained Objects
Mei-Yuh Hwang Raj Reddy Subphonetic Acoustical Modeling for Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition
Richard Lawrence Lewis Jill Fain Lehman An Architecturally-based Theory of Human Sentence Comprehension
David Elsey Long Edmund Clarke Model Checking, Abstraction and Compositional Verification
John Samuel Pieper H. T. Kung Compiler Techniques for Managing Data Motion
Todd Elliot Rockoff Allan Fisher An Analysis of Instruction-Cached SIMD Computer Architecture
Ronald Rosenfeld Raj Reddy, Xuedong Huang Adaptive Statistical Language Modeling
Jiri Sgall Steven Rudich Optimal Online Scheduling of Parallel Jobs
I-Chen Wu H. T. Kung Multilist Scheduling: A New Parallel Programming Tool
Bennet Yee Doug Tygar Using Secure Coprocessors
Academic Year: 1992-1993
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
James Aspnes Steven Rudich Wait-Free Consensus
Ralf Brown Jaime Carbonell, Masaru Tomita Using Multiple Adaptively-Weighted Strategies to Resolve Demonstratives
Jerry Burch Edmund Clarke Trace Algebra for Automatic Verification of Real-Time Concurrent Systems
Robert Cohn Tuomas Gross, H. T. Kung Source-level debugging of automatically parallelized programs
Yolanda Gil Jaime Carbonell Acquiring Domain Knowledge for Planning by Experimentation
Andrew Hastings Alfred Spector Transactional Distributed Shared Memory
Nevin Heintze Peter Lee, Frank Pfenning Set Based Program Analysis
Peter Jansen Herbert Simon Using Knowledge About the Opponent in Game-Tree Search
Michael Jones Anita Jones Transparently Interposing User Code at the System Interface
Robert Joseph Jaime Carbonell Graphical Knowledge Acquisition for Visually-Oriented Planning Domains
Jay Kistler M. Satyanarayanan Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System
Karl Kluge Charles Thorpe YARF: An Open-Ended Framework for Robot Road Following
Long-Ji Lin Tom Mitchell Reinforcement Learning for Robots Using Neural Networks
Thomas Mathies Ravindran Kannan Paths in Graphs and Parallel Computing
Spiro Michaylov Frank Pfenning, Peter Lee Design and Implementation of Practical Constraint Logic Programming Systems
Carol Novak Steven Shafer Estimating Scene Properties by Analyzing Color Histograms with Physics-Based Models
Thad Polk Kurt VanLehn, Allen Newell Verbal Reasoning
David Pugh Roger Dannenberg Using Interactive Sketch Interpretation to Design Solid Objects
Douglas Reece Steven Shafer Selective Perception for Robot Driving
Ellen Siegel Eric Cooper Applying High-Level Language Paradigms to Communication Software for Distributed Systems
Manuela Veloso Jaime Carbonell Learning by Analogical Reasoning in General Purpose Problem Solving
Academic Year: 1991-1992
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
David Applegate Ravindran Kannan Sampling, Integration, and Computing Volumes of Convex Sets
Randy Brost Matthen Mason Analysis and Planning of Planar Manipulation Tasks
Erik Brunvand Robert Sproull Translating Concurrent Communicating Programs into Asynchronous Circuits
Siddhartha Chatterjee Allan Fisher, Guy Blelloch Compiling Data-Parallel Programs for Efficient Execution on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Alan Christiansen Matthew Mason, Tom Mitchell Automatic Acquisition of Task Theories for Robotic Manipulation
Scott Dietzen Frank Pfenning, William Scherlis A Language for Higher-Order Explanation-Based Learning
Klaus Gross Jaime Carbonell Concept Acquisition through Attribute Evolution and Experiment Selection
Allan Heydon Doug Tygar Processing Visual Specifications of File System Security
Hsiao-wuen Hon Raj Reddy, Kai-Fu Lee Vocabulary-Independent Speech Recognition: The VOCIND System
Ajay Jain Alexander Waibel, David Touretzky PARSEC: A Connectionist Learning Architecture for Parsing Speech
Kevin Knight Masaru Tomita Integrating Knowledge Acquisition and Language Acquisition
Kenneth McMillan Edmund Clarke Symbolic Model Checking: An approach to the State Explosion Problem
Robert Nord Peter Lee, William Scherlis Deriving and Manipulating Module Interfaces
Mark Perlin Jaime Carbonell Automating the Construction of Efficient Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
Benjamin Pierce Robert Harper Programming with Intersection Types and Bounded Polymorphism
David Plaut Geoffrey Hinton Connectionist Neuropsychology: The Breakdown and Recovery of Behavior in Lesioned Attractor Networks
Dean Pomerleau David Touretzky Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
Dean Rubine Roger Dannenberg The Automatic Recognition of Gestures
Alan Sussman H. T. Kung, Thomas Gross Model-Driven Mapping of Computation onto Distributed Memory Parallel Computers
Shanghua Teng Gary Miller A Unified Geometric Approach to Graph Partitioning
Carlo Tomasi Takeo Kanade Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
Gregg Yost Allen Newell TAQL: A Problem Space Tool for Expert System Development
Angelika Zobel Thomas Gross Program Structure as a Basis for the Parallelization of Global Compiler Optimizations