Michael J. Sullivan

Thesis Title: Low-level Concurrent Programming Using the Relaxed Memory Calculus
Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): Karl Crary
Graduated: December 2017


The Relaxed Memory Calculus (RMC) is a novel approach for portable low level concurrent programming in the presence of the the relaxed memory behavior caused by modern hardware architectures and optimizing compilers. RMC takes a declarative approach to programming with relaxed memory: programmers explicitly specify constraints on execution order and on the visibility of writes. This differs from other low-level programming language memory models, which–when they exist–are usually based on ordering annotations attached to synchronization operations and/or explicit memory barriers.

In this thesis, we argue that this declarative approach based on explicit programmer-specified constraints is a practical approach for implementing low-level concurrent algorithms. To this end, we present RMC-C++, an extension of C++ with RMC constraints, and rmc-compiler, an LLVM based compiler for i

Thesis Committee:
Karl Crary (Chair)
Kayvon Fatahalian
Todd Mowry
Paul McKenney (IBM)

Frank Pfenning, Head, Computer Science Department
Andrew W. Moore, Dean, School of Computer Science

Programming languages, compilers, concurrency, memory models, relaxed memory

CMU-CS-17-126.pdf (998.56 KB) ( 172 pages)
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