Gideon Ariely

Thesis Title: Verification of Systems Programs
Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): William Wulf
Graduated: August 1975


A framework for verification issues of programmed systems is suggested. The framework emphasizes the use of mathematical models and the distinction between model and implementation. The implications of the general framework are explored with respect to the following 1 Lisp-like languages 2 Sequential Algorithms 3 Program Structures 4 Parallel Systems. The thesis deals with several topics It suggests several criteria for classifying program verification techniques, formalizes Search Algorithms, proves a representation theorem concerning Lisp-like languages, treats extensively sequential algorithms over named-structured domains, formalizes the routine concept, deals in a new fashion with parallel systems and briefly treats issues of assumptions and conventions in programmed systems.

Thesis Committee:
William Wulf (Chair)

Joseph Traub, Head, Computer Science Department