Shimin Chen

Thesis Title: Redesigning Database Systems in Light of CPU Cache Prefetching
Degree Type: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Advisor(s): Anastassia Ailamaki, Todd Mowry
Graduated: December 2005


Computer systems have enjoyed an exponential growth in processor speed for the past 20 years, while main memory speed has improved only moderately. Today a cache miss to main memory takes hundreds of processor cycles. Recent studies have demonstrated that on commercial databases, about 50% or more of execution time in memory is often wasted due to cache misses. In light of this problem, a number of recent studies focused on reducing the number of cache misses of database algorithms. In this thesis, we investigate a different approach: reducing the impact of cache misses through a technique called cache prefetching. Since prefetching for sequential array accesses has been well studied, we are interested in studying non-contiguous access patterns found in two classes of database algorithms: the B+-Tree index algorithm and the hash join algorithm. We re-examine their designs with cache prefetching in mind, and combine prefetching and data locality optimizations to achieve good cache performance.

For B+-Trees, we first propose and evaluate a novel main memory index structure, Prefetching B+-Trees, which uses prefetching to accelerate two major access patterns of B+-Tree indices: searches and range scans. We then apply our findings in the development of a novel index structure, Fractal Prefetching B+-Trees, that optimizes index operations both for CPU cache performance and for disk performance in commercial database systems by intelligently embedding cache-optimized trees into disk pages.

For hash joins, we first exploit cache prefetching separately for the I/O partition phase and the join phase of the algorithm. We propose and evaluate two techniques, Group Prefetching and Software-Pipelined Prefetching, that exploit inter-tuple parallelism to overlap cache misses across the processing of multiple tuples. Then we present a novel algorithm, Inspector Joins, that exploits the free information obtained from one pass of the hash join algorithm to improve the performance of a later pass. This new algorithm addresses the memory bandwidth sharing problem in shared-bus multiprocessor systems.

We compare our techniques against state-of-the-art cache-friendly algorithms for B+-Trees and hash joins through both simulation studies and real machine experiments. Our experimental results demonstrate dramatic performance benefits of our cache prefetching enabled techniques.

Thesis Committee:
Anastassia Ailamaki (Co-Chair)
Todd C. Mowry (Co-Chair)
Christos Faloutsos
Phillip B. Gibbons
David J. DeWitt (University of Wisconsin at Madison)

Jeannette Wing, Head, Computer Science Department
Randy Bryant, Dean, School of Computer Science

Cache Prefetching, Database Systems, CPU Cache Performance, Data Locality Optimizations, B+-Trees, Hash Joins

CMU-CS-05-192.pdf (1.48 MB) ( 227 pages)
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